Doris Goins
NACQJ Certified Quilt Judge - Lecture & Workshop presenter
Loving Stitches
Quilters Seeking Blue Ribbons
Provides information to attendees about what quilt show judges look for in award winning quilts. Design and workmanship criteria are discussed to provide attendees with the basic knowledge on assessing their own work. Questions during the presentation are strongly encouraged. Several of my pieces are used as examples. The presentation length can be adjusted to meet the needs of the group. If a longer program is desired, a mock judging of attendee quilts may be included. 1 to 3 hours.
Get Your Groove On
Learn the steps needed to make a unique jacket or vest to showcase your personality. Learn about how to choose the right sewing patterns, quilt designs, batting, and finishes. Presentation includes a fashion show of wearable jackets and vests which will inspire you to make one of your own. 1 hour lecture.
Appliqué Circles, Stems and More!
Never fret about smoothly round circles, crisp appliqué edges, or narrow stems again! This workshop will set you on a course to prepare appliqué for either hand or machine stitching. The use of spray sizing and no melt plastic templates are the key to successfully mastering this technique. The students will work with a pattern as a sample to learn this technique. Student must be familiar with their sewing machine settings. The 6 hour class allows students to do machine appliqué work. 3 hour or 6 hour workshop.
My First Feathers
Feather designs are all the rage from traditional styles to those that are innovative. Learn simple feather designs which can turn a "blah" quilt into something extraordinary. Even beginners can conquer their fears of doing freehand feathers with little to no backtracking. Students will draw designs in their sketch pad and then have the opportunity to immediately put their knowledge to work creating their own feather sampler. 2 hour drawing class or 3-4 hours with longarm machines for hands-on work. Fee schedule see below.
For semi-private classes of 3 hours in Doris Goins’ studio with 1-3 students per class. Contact Doris for current fees and schedule.
Beginning Quilting
Level: Beginner
Required: Must know the basics of operating a sewing machine.
Sessions: 1 class per week for 6 weeks, each session is 2 hours
This class is for the beginning quilter. The class will cover information about making good fabric choices, basic quilting tools, rotary cutting, sewing a ¼” seam, pressing and nesting seams, squaring up blocks, batting, basic machine quilting with an even feed foot, binding, and documentation while making the Shaded Nine-patch quilt. Students should not purchase supplies until after the first class.
Fees for lectures and workshops
All workshops and lectures require reimbursement for travel, meals and lodging. Lodging if needed, may be in a private home which is non-smoking and pet free.
A hands on workshop of 3 hours and up are limited to a maximum of 20 students.
Lecture/workshop fee is $200.00 for 1 hour, $300.00 for 2 hour, $400.00 for 3 -4 hour, and full day (6 hour) $500.00.
Wrangling Rulers
Bring your own rulers and use those provided to learn the basics of using rulers on a longarm quilting machine. Stitch in the ditch, outlining appliqué, using circles, to curved cross hatching is explored. The class provides tips and tricks, hands on work at the longarm, and a resource list for purchasing various styles of rulers.
For semi-private classes of 3 hours in Doris Goins’ studio with 1-3 students per class. Contact Doris for current fees and schedule.
Quilting Textures 101
This is a drawing class of machine quilting filler and overall pattern designs. The designs are appropriate for both domestic and longarm style machine quilting. Students only need a pad of paper and a roller point pen to learn how to draw these designs. Samples of stitched out designs will be available for viewing. 1 hour demonstration, 2 hour class with students drawing, or 3-4 hour class with longarm machines available for hands-on work. Fee schedule see below.
For semi-private classes of 3 hours in Doris Goins’ studio with 1-3 students per class. Contact Doris for current fees and schedule.
Quilt As Desired
How many times have you sewn a quilt from a pattern and at the end it says "quilt as desired?" Don't despair any longer as I will give you a check list of items to consider so you can create your own original design. A Powerpoint presentation will give illustrations of different styles of quilting that may be appropriate for your particular project. Bring your quilt tops for discussion and I will guide you on how to determine a design that will work on your quilt. 1 hour lecture or may be adapted for 2-3 hours depending on number of participants who bring quilt tops for discussion.
"Just a note to tell you your workshop was exactly what I needed. I have actually had FUN quilting two baby quilts, thanks to your “quilt as desired” class!!!! It was a huge stress reliever for me! I even have a lap size charity quilt ready to go next! Thank you, thank you!!!" Anne H.
Accept the Challenge: Just Do it!
A lively motivational lecture to encourage attendees to not be afraid to enter challenges and contests. The presentation includes many humorous stories about my experiences with entering the Hoffman Fabric Challenge. Included is a trunk show of entries from over the past 20 years. 1 hour.